• সোমবার, ২৪ ফেব্রুয়ারী ২০২৫, ০৭:৫৮ পূর্বাহ্ন

Business and trade in the hands of Rohingyas: Locals are suffering

Reporter Name / ৮৬ Time View
Update : মঙ্গলবার, ৪ জানুয়ারী, ২০২২


Jafor Alam

Cox’s Bazar Correspondent..

Many businesses including food hotels, tea shops, computers, grocery stores are now under the control of Rohingyas. Rohingyas are ruling in all legal and illegal businesses. There are allegations that there is an influential local syndicate behind Rohingyas.  Rohingyas fleeing from Myanmar are running their businesses. There is an influential community behind these Rohingyas. According to a reliable source, the community is receiving huge amount of money on monthly basis.  In Shamlapur, Rohingya Abdul Karim Saifi, Pir Mohammad, Nur Mohammad Majhi, Hashemullah, Purukka have occupied everything from fish business to restaurant, curry and other

businesses.  All the locals allege that Rohingyas are involved in various misdeeds including NID card and birth registration.  This Rohingya is known to be the source of Arsa.  The computer shop on Shamlapur Whykong Road. Abdul Karim Saifi, a Rohingya citizen, is doing this in the shadow of influential people. The locals have strongly demanded to take action against him after investigation.  Abdul Karim alias Saifi, a Rohingya citizen, is running a computer shop in Shamlapur Bazar under the umbrella of local influential people. Aware people have said that this Rohingya is a threat to the country.  There are two food hotels in the market called Mother’s Doa Food Hotel and Mother’s Doa Jhal Bitan, in which local hoteliers are in dire straits.  The business is almost in the hands of the Rohingyas.
Food hotelier Abul Kashem said, “Business has been normal since the arrival of Rohingyas. Later Rohingyas started doing business in different ways. Where 10 thousand taka was sold daily, 2,000 takas is not sold.  Due to which trade is very low. Such complaints are made by most of the local traders. Locals said that if the administration conducts regular raids, local traders will get rid of Rohingya traders.  According to local traders, Rohingyas sell fish in different camps with their retailers and deliver large consignments to different parts of the country including Dhaka and Chattogram.


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