• রবিবার, ২৩ ফেব্রুয়ারী ২০২৫, ০৫:৩২ পূর্বাহ্ন

Speech by Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss of Nturei Karta International at the Land Day rally in New York CIty

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Update : শুক্রবার, ১ এপ্রিল, ২০২২


Speech by Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss of Nturei Karta International at the Land Day rally in New York CIty on March 30, 2022

We’re standing here in Manhattan. People call it one of the most important centers of the world, the business centers of the world. So it is critical that from this point, with the help of the Almighty, as always, I pray to the Almighty to give me His words, to bestow on me His knowledge, His wisdom, that I may convey His message. 

In the name of the Jewish people who are oppressed also in occupied Palestine, and from my Jewish brothers and sisters from around the world and of course, from all the Palestinian people and the oppressed people around the world, we are here in this important location on Palestinian Land Day, a day that was established to commemorate the further occupation of a chunk of occupied Palestine.

Don’t think that this Land Day is the original sin, the original crime that was committed by the Zionists.The Zionist crime is that they were born. The Zionist crime is that they put on the Jewish garb and wave the star of David and have the audacity to speak in the name of my religion, a religion of 3000 years, a religion that we, the Jewish people have made a covenant with God to die, to uphold the subservience to God. And these heretics, these criminals, the Zionists, have taken this mantle, this name to use as a weapon to occupy God’s creation, the human beings of Palestine. This is unacceptable.

The rabbinical authorities in Palestine – not the clowns who masquerade in the name of chief Rabbi, the chief rabbinate; all these names are names that simply have been stolen from Jewish people – have an ongoing community today living in Palestine that was living there for hundreds of years as brothers and sisters together with people of the Muslim faith, of the Christian faith, living in the same courtyards, coexisting in harmony and peace.

There’s no question about coexistence. Many of these young Jewish people here are children and grandchildren of the people who lived in Palestine. And we have many people who can attest, both from the Jewish community and the Palestinian community, the Arab Palestinian community, who can attest to this coexistence before there was a concept of human rights activists to watch human rights, because it was never necessary. It was the simple coexistence of God’s creations together.

Zionism is a move, a creation of a political, selfish movement that started a little over a hundred years ago. And they are using and abusing God’s people and our religion to intimidate and to stifle and silence the voice of the human rights activists and people who will not accept the occupation of innocent people – that is why they are using my identity, and we will not be silent.

Zionism is a transformation of Judaism from subservience to God, from the acceptance of the Jewish religion to a simple material, political selfish movement. There is no other translation of this movement of Zionism and the Zionist state of Israel. There is no other meaning to it. We will not accept it.

And we are here today as representatives of the Jewish communities around the world. The closest very large Jewish community is right across the Williamsburg Bridge, where you will see miles and miles of Jews dressed as Jews who refuse to wave one single Israeli flag. These are not impostors. These are Jews who are giving their lives to practice the religion, they are using kosher food. They’re dressing according to the laws of modesty of Judaism. You see this is real Judaism, real Jews. And they don’t have one single Israeli flag.

In the occupied lands of Palestine, the Jewish brothers and sisters are beaten daily and they are arrested and they are treated like animals. That’s what they do with my brothers and sisters because they refuse to accept the occupation and they simply stand on the street. You can’t accuse them of being terrorists.

They don’t have guns, yet they beat them. They arrest them. They refuse to accept the Zionist control of Palestine. We, the people of the Torah, our religion, because we are Jews, refuse to accept the occupation over even one inch of that Holy Land.

It will never be acceptable. Our chief Rabbi in 1947, Rabbi Dushinsky of blessed memory, stood before the United Nations with a group of Jewish rabbis, the most prominent and important rabbis of Jerusalem. It’s documented, and the United Nations has it in their records, that he stood in front of them and he said to them, we as Jews, ”we furthermore wish to express our definite opposition to a Jewish state in any part of Palestine”. This will never change. This will continue and therefore we say “Judaism Yes, Zionism No, the State of Israel must go”.

I just want to say, while the occupation goes on, my Jewish brethren call me daily from Jerusalem and from occupied Palestine. They hurt, we hurt, we cry, we pain, we suffer with our Palestinian brothers and sisters. We are frustrated that our voices are not heard and that the world looks at their chief Rabbi and rabbinate as something of importance when they are simple imposters. We want you to know that there they are beaten and here we are being stifled and attacked and threatened. But we come out as much as we possibly can and we want the world to hear.

 We urge everybody to stand up, plead with our leaders that they should have the respect for the Jewish religion. Go to the religious communities and hear our voice as we say: Do not try to help us by encouraging and supporting an occupation that is against God. Help us free Palestine.

1234 Zionism no more, 5678 Israel is not a Jewish State

1234 Israel no more, 5678 stop the killing stop the hate

1234 Israel no more, 56789 Free free Palestine


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